How to Uninstall Addition and Cancel Your Subscription
If you're trialing Addition or switching to a different app, you may need to remove Addition from your store and cancel your subscription.
Follow these steps to do it directly from your Shopify admin:
1️⃣ Go to your Shopify admin (e.g.,
2️⃣ Click Settings.
3️⃣ Select Apps and sales channels from the left-hand panel.
4️⃣ Locate Addition, then click Uninstall.
5️⃣ Confirm by selecting a reason for uninstalling (optional) and clicking the red Uninstall button in the popup.
✅ Once completed, Addition will be uninstalled, and your subscription will be cancelled.
Pausing Your Subscription
Shopify currently does not offer a pause option for app subscriptions, so we are unable to provide this feature.
However, when you uninstall and later reinstall our app, your rates and fulfilment settings are saved, making it easy to resume where you left off.
We’ll be here when you’re ready to return! 🚀