Edit a Location

You can edit locations either via your Shopify admin or via Addition.

Edits made in Addition aren't reflected in your Shopify admin but they do override your Shopify settings. In other words, when the app is displaying rates to your customers at the checkout or using location information for order fulfillment, it will preference location information you have input to Addition over the Shopify location information.

We've outlined below the two different ways you could edit your locations.

How to edit a Location in Addition

  1. From your Addition dashboard, click Settings, then Locations.
    Here you'll see a list of locations you've setup.


  2. Click View on the location you wish to edit.

  3. Make any changes you need, then click Save.


NOTE: These changes won't be reflected in your Shopify admin, but these settings do override your Shopify settings.

If you click Resync Locations in Addition now, any changes you have made to locations within the app will be undone.

How to edit a Location in Shopify

  1. From your Shopify dashboard, click Settings, then Locations.
    Here you'll see a list of locations.

  2. Click on the location you wish to edit.

  3. On the next screen make any changes you need, then click Save.

  4. The last thing you need to do is Resync your Locations in Addition so the app is made aware of this change.

    NOTE: If you click Resync Locations you'll these changes will be updated but any edits you made to locations in Addition previously will be lost.

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